eurovision off 2015

Wach Auf ! #9

Loïc ! Loïc ! Loïc ! Today is The day for Loïc so I wake up to the sound of Rhythm Inside.

Although fatigue accumulates, wake up wasn’t as difficult as the previous days, since it’s almost a day off for me. I will be in press center shortly before 6pm for the EBU / ORF press conference but I skip this afternoon rehearsal, I want to keep some freshness for the show tonight – and its after party of course !

Waking up wasn’t that difficult, although last night was fantastic.

Festivities began at 9pm on the dot, with jury rehearsal of the first semifinal. Thanks to Quentin, I got a seat in the French delegation’s area. A rehearsal in very good company – I was next to the husband of one of the members our delegation, if I do understand the links between each other, which is not 100% sure.

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Bon, perché tout en haut du gradin, nous n’avons pas vu grand chose à vrai dire et je préfère personnellement être en fosse, l’atmosphère y est plus existante et festive. Le Te Deum au milieu de cette foule c’est toujours incroyable. M’enfin pour une répétition, même si c’est sur celle-là que votent les jurys, c’est quand même plus confortable assis.

Obviously, we then headed to Euroclub. The Israeli party was in full swing. A dense crowd, composed of accredited we’re used to see in every parties, new arrivals of the second week, the one of the first week, used to go home early, who know an Israeli party can’t be missed and an important part of the local Jewish community.

And this party 2015 of the Israeli delegation, lived up to its reputation. We got a delicious buffet, stocked up even late. I ate after the dress rehearsal, thinking we would arrive too late, that was a mistake. But I generously served myself anyway, it tasted so good…

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Many French were here last night. The presence of Stéphane, Aïtor, David (our adopted Belgian) and myself is now obvious, but around 20 people we see less often were also there.

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With pleasure, I met the New Yorker Ethan, the Berliner Stefan, two Belgians we see every night since the beginning of this Eurovision – amon others… Petra was also there. We met her in Düsseldorf. A girl completely “verrückt” but quite endearing.

Delegations side, I probably didn’t see everyone. Måns was there but I missed him – but I saw Sanna Nielsen who left the place when we arrived. Switzerland sang – and very well I have to say. Iceland, Aitor love that girl, sang a remixed version of her song, not bad at all… The two San Marino also sang around 2am, which is not reasonable at their age. And finally, if I missed the Golden Boy of the night, I saw his dancers – and backing singers but it’s a bit less exciting. The host of the evening removed the shirt of one of them, who hasn’t shown great resistance and which didn’t seem to displease the assistance…

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In short it was a great party, which ended for us around 3am. Lying in bed at 4, almost reasonable…