organization 2015

Press conference of the French delegation

Monday, April 20, the French delegation for the 60th Eurovision Song Contest held a press conference in Paris.

Members of OGAE France, fans who know anybody in a media and a few actual journalists, gathered in the Theatre de la Madeleine – s’il vous plait…


On stage, Marianne James and Stephane Bern surrounded Nathalie André, head of entertainment for France 2. Frédéric Valencak, our head of delegation, and Antonio Griglioni, who manage the multimedia platform around the contest, were alongside Lisa Angell.

Virginia Guilhaume was also in the room. She’s gonna be the french spokepersonn on May 23 and a few days beforen, she’ll comment the show Eurovision Greatest Hits for France 2 (we’ll talk about it in the podcast # 51).

We also saw the charming Jeremy Parayre. He will comment the first semi-final, with Mareva Galanter, on France Ô.


So what did we learned ? …

Well not much. Once more, Nathalie André said this song was the obvious one among the 400 proposals she received. A voice, a text, blah blah blah … No way thus to be sure the shortlist she mentioned actually existed, but she told us 3 songs / artists were in the lead : Lisa Angell with N’oubliez pas, a Polydor group and a femal singer from Wagram, with a song mixing French and English.

It will be Lisa ! Talent, power, strength, and so on …

Curious coincidence, she is produced by Jean-Claude Camus (owner of the Théâtre de la Madeleine, who sold his production company to Warner back in 2008).

Curious coincidence, since Amaury Vassili, Anggun, Amandine Bourgeois and Twin Twin were all Warner artists ! …

I do not assert that’s the reason why we got that song. But please stop playing that “a voice, a text, and blah blah blah …”


And what about France Télévisions plan for this contest ?

L’Instant Eurovision will replace Alcaline l’instant from 15 to 22 May after the evening news. Backstage, preparations and rehearsals…

On may 23, Marianne James and Stéphane Bern, who perfectly did the job during that press conference, will welcome viewers from 8:45 pm, with Eurovision, entrée des artistes.

Of course, lots of things will also happen on the web:


Lastly, note that Lisa’s next album will be released on May 11.