eurovision off 2015

Wach Auf ! #4

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Eurovision Jam Night yesterday evening in the Albertina Passage. A lounge club located below the Vienna Opera, the local audience was dressed and prices were as high as the heels of the ladies.

Besides, small contest, send with us your Name and the cost of the 3 glasses pictured left, at You can win a promo CD of the Albanian singer – lucky you are !…

But if you forget the cost of drinks, well that little party wasn’t bad at all… We saw a lot of delegations, most of them even sang. The Romanians were out again, this time alongside Belarus (Uzari is really cute) Georgia (interestless – sorry Olivier) Albania (who knows how to scream sing) Czech (Václav finally uncovered his arms !) Slovenes backing singers (they told us otherwise we wouldn’t know…) and the whole Danish delegation. I danced a moment with Jan on the stage before being turned down by security…

Aïtor, who does not seem to have fun in this year’s parties, was less euphoric than me and we finally left around 1am. But do not believe he forced me ! We were already there for three hours and the day started pretty early yesterday. I finally hit the 8 hours of sleep ! Ethan is perked up….

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