eurovision off 2015

Wach Auf ! #7

What the f*** is that?! S*** the alarm clock !
It was very tough this morning. As a proof, the picture is taken after the shower and I still look like that…
Italian rehearsal at 9:40 am, it rang at 8:15 and that was painful.

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Diner au Prater” type=”image” alt=”P1110722.JPG” ]  
Last night Aïtor and I met Mathieu and Yovan for a Swiss dinner (well yes Swiss…).
Now they live in Strasbourg, we have to fly to Vienna to see them !


We then took the direction of Prater Sauna, which was broadcasting Life Ball on a big screen. We arrived quite late and did only see the Gaultier show. Obviously Conchita closed it. She then performed her brand new single Firestorm (love it!).

Once the broadcast was over, dancefloor ! The venue had the size of my parents’ living room, a bit overheated, but 100% Eurovision. And when the temperature became too unbearable, we could spent time in the garden… We didn’t try the pool.

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Prater Sauna” type=”image” alt=”image_1623.jpg” ]

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Prater Sauna” type=”image” alt=”637574ba38.jpg” ]

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Prater Sauna – c'était la salle eurovision…” type=”image” alt=”pratersauna-opening.jpg” ]

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Prater Sauna – de jour…” type=”image” alt=”1246581442413.jpg” ]

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Life Ball au Prater Sauna” type=”image” alt=”20150516_233218.jpg” ]

[pe2-image src=”” href=”″ caption=”Les toilettes du Prater Sauna” type=”image” alt=”P1110724.JPG” ]


In short a very pleasant evening explaining the rather unpleasant awakening…